Libri per adulti
Letteratura e narrativa
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"Make a Fake" is playing at the 2012 Marin Italian Film Festival (November 10th, 5:30 and 7:45pm). The Tammaro pasta factory decides to modernize, and completely mechanize production. All of the existing workers are terminated, without notice! Enzo with a wife and two small children, Carmine with an aging mother, and Bandula, an Indian immigrant, are now left penniless. Tammaro's wife inherits a bizarre collection of contemporary art, which is stored in the old pasta factory. Enzo, Carmine and Bandula get offered a temporary job, paid under the table, as watchmen of the art. To their amazement, Enzo and his friends come to "discover" contemporary art, but also experience mounting anger as they contemplate that Tammaro could have hired them all back again with the profit from the art! The group decides to make some fake pieces and then replace them in the collection. If it all works, they could sell the originals themselves, and keep the money! Their clever fraud takes off in grand style and for Enzo, Carmine and Bandula it then launches them on to further adventures. Salento. C'egrave; aria di crisi. Il Premiato Pastificio Tammaro chiude la vecchia fabbrica, in realtagrave; con l'idea di riaprirne presto una nuova, completamente meccanizzata. Tutta la squadra di operai addetta allo stoccaggio manuale si ritrova disoccupata. Tra questi c'egrave; Enzo, sposato con Aurora e i loro due figli piccoli. Poi Carmine e infine Bandula, un immigrato indiano, ormai al verde e senza piugrave; un posto dove dormire. La situazione egrave; drammatica. Proprio in quei giorni, la moglie di Tammaro eredita una collezione d'arte contemporanea che viene provvisoriamente sistemata nel vecchio pastificio. A Enzo e Carmine viene offerto, come lavoro temporaneo in nero, di custodire il magazzino che ospita le opere. Enzo e i suoi amici scoprono sbalorditi l'arte contemporanea...
Collections: Film