Al dente 4. Libro dello studente

Al dente è un corso d’italiano per stranieri moderno e innovatore basato sull’approccio azionaunle e con un forte orientamento lessicale che riunisce tutti i componenti in  unico volume.
•    Un manuale completo che comprende Libro dello studente, Esercizi, Video e moltissimi materiali scaricabili
•    9 unità didattiche di 16 pagine con una sequenza d’apprendimento articolata in unità di lavoro e con un compito finale
•    Temi e attività motivanti che stimolano l’interesse, la partecipazione e l’interazione
•    Forte orientamento lessicale e attenzione allo sviluppo delle competenze linguistico-comunicative
•    Allegati culturali che trattano temi variati
•    Sezione dedicata alla preparazione degli esami CILS, CELI, PLIDA, CERT.IT

AL DENTE is a modern Italian course for foreigners, offering a comprehensive approach in one volume. It includes essential components like the Student's Book, Exercises, Videos, and downloadable materials. With 8 units featuring structured learning sequences and engaging activities, the program emphasizes vocabulary acquisition and communicative skills development. Cultural supplements and exam preparation for CILS, CELI, PLIDA, and CERT.IT exams further enrich the learning experience.

•    An action-oriented approach to Italian language learning, that brings together the Student Textbook and Workbook into one volume with a strong lexical orientation.
•    Modern, thematic content and activities that motivate students to actively participate and interact in the classroom and encourage them to reflect critically on their own language and culture.
•    A focus on the development of vocabulary for communication, integrated into meaningful tasks. Each unit’s final project encourages students to take responsibility for their own learning and to adapt the communicative objectives to their interests.
•    Contemporary cultural resources that provide authentic insights into Italian daily life, free of stereotypes.

  • Autore: Marilisa Birello, Daniele Donati, Giada Licastro
  • Formato: Brossura, 21 x 29.5 cm
  • Pagine: 264
  • Editore: Casa delle Lingue
  • Collana: Al Dente
  • Anno: 2023

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